1. Fluorescent water-soluble conjugated polyene compounds that exhibit aggregation induced emission and methods of making and using same
Tang, B. Z.; Hong, Y.; Haussler, M.; Tong, H.; Dong, Y. Q.; Li, Z.; Xing, C. M., U.S. Patent 7,939,613, 2011. (2011)
2. Fluorescent water-soluble conjugated polyene compounds that exhibit aggregation induced emission and methods of making and using same
Tang, B. Z.; Hong, Y.; Haussler, M.; Tong, H.; Dong, Y. Q.; Li, Z.; Xing, C. M., U.S. Patent 8,129,111, 2012. (2012)
3. Water-soluble AIE luminogen for monitoring and retardation of amyloid fibrillation of insulin
Tang, B. Z.; Hong, Y.; Chen, S. J.; Kwok, R. T. K., U.S. Patent 8,679,738, 2014; Chinese Patent CN 102706839, 2015; Hong Kong Patent 13101582.7, 2013. (2014)
4. Aggregation induced emission active cytophilic fluorescent bioprobes for long-term cell tracking
Tang, B. Z.; Ng, K. M.; Luo, Q.; Yu, Y.; Hong, Y.; Liu, J. Z.; Chen, S. J.; Lam, W. Y., U.S. Patent 9,409,928, 2016. (2016)
5. Water-soluble AIE luminogens for monitoring and retardation of fibrillation of amyloid proteins
Tang, B. Z.; Hong, Y.; Chen, S. J.; Kwok, R. T. K.; Leung, C. W. T., U.S. Patent US 9,279,806, 2016. (2016)
6. AIE luminogens for metal ion detection
Tang, B. Z.; Hong, Y.; Leung, C. W. T., U.S. Patent 9,228,949, 2016. (2016)
7. Photostable AIE luminogens for specific mitochondrial imaging and its method of manufacturing thereof
Tang, B. Z.; Hong, Y.; Chen, S. J.; Leung, W. T.; Zhao, E. G.; Deng, H. Q., U.S. Patent US 9,315,465, 2016. (2016)
8. Aggregation induced emission of fluorescent bioprobes and methods of using the same
Tang, B. Z.; Ng, K. M.; Luo, Q.; Yu, Y.; Hong, Y.; Liu, J. Z.; Chen, S. J.; Lam, W. Y., U.S. Patent 9,618,453, 2017. (2017)
11. Fluorescent “light-up” bioprobes based on tetraphenylethylene derivatives with aggregation-induced emission characteristics
Tong, H.; Hong, Y.; Dong, Y. Q.; Haussler, M.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Li, Z.; Guo, Z. F.; Guo, Z. H.; Tang, B. Z., Chemical Communications 2006, 3705. (2006)
12. Color-Tunable, Aggregation-Induced Emission of a Butterfly-Shaped Molecule Comprising a Pyran Skeleton and Two Cholesteryl Wings
Tong, H.; Hong, Y.; Dong, Y. Q.; Ren, Y.; Haussler, M.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Wong, K. S.; Tang, B. Z., Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2007, 111, 2000. (2007)
13. Label-Free Fluorescent Probing of G-Quadruplex Formation and Real-Time Monitoring of DNA Folding by a Quaternized Tetraphenylethene Salt with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics
Hong, Y.; Haussler, M.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Li, Z.; Sin, K. K.; Dong, Y. Q.; Tong, H.; Liu, J. Z.; Qin, A. J.; Renneberg, R.; Tang, B. Z., Chemistry A European Journal 2008, 14, 6428. (2008)
14. Fluorescent Bioprobes: Structural Matching in the Docking Processes of Aggregation-Induced Emission Fluorogens on DNA Surfaces
Hong, Y.; Xiong, H.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Haussler, M.; Liu, J. Z.; Yu, Y.; Zhong, Y. C.; Sung, H. H. Y.; Williams, I. D.; Wong, K. S.; Tang, B. Z. (2010)
15. Quantitation, Visualization, and Monitoring of Conformational Transitions of Human Serum Albumin by a Tetraphenylethene Derivative with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics
Hong, Y.; Feng, C.; Yu, Y.; Liu, J. Z.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Luo, K. Q.; Tang, B. Z., Analytical Chemistry 2010, 82, 7035. (2010)
16. Aggregation-Induced Emission and Biological Application of Tetraphenylethene Luminogens
Hong, Y.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Chen, S. J.; Tang, B. Z., Australian Journal of Chemistry 2011, 64, 1203. (2011)
17. Fluorogenic Zn(II) and Chromogenic Fe(II) Sensors Based on Terpyridine-Substituted Tetraphenylethenes with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics
Hong, Y.; Chen, S. J.; Leung, C. W. T.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Liu, J. Z.; Tseng, N. W.; Kwok, R. T. K.; Yu, Y.; Wang, Z. K.; Tang, B. Z., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2011, 3, 3411. (2011)
18. Aggregation-induced emission
Hong, Y.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z., Chemical Society Reviews 2011, 40, 5361. (2011)
19. Monitoring and Inhibition of Insulin Fibrillation by a Small Organic Fluorogen with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics
Hong, Y.; Meng, L. M.; Chen, S. J.; Leung, C. W. T.; Da, L. T.; Faisal, M.; Silva, D. A.; Liu, J. Z.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Huang, X. H.; Tang, B. Z., Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 1680. (2011)
20. Origin of the Conformational Heterogeneity of Cardiolipin-Bound Cytochrome c
Hong, Y.; Muenzner, J.; Grimm, S. K.; Pletneva, E. V., Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 18713. (2012)
21. Water-Soluble Tetraphenylethene Derivatives as Fluorescent “Light-Up” Probes for Nucleic Acid Detection and Their Applications in Cell Imaging
Hong, Y.; Chen, S. J.; Leung, C. W. T.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z., Chemistry An Asian Journal 2013, 8, 1806. (2013)
22. Full-Range Intracellular pH Sensing by an Aggregation-Induced Emission-Active Two-Channel Ratiometric Fluorogen
Chen, S. J.; Hong, Y.; Liu, Y.; Liu, J. Z.; Leung, C. W. T.; Li, M.; Kwok, R. T. K.; Zhao, E. G.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Yu, Y.; Tang, B. Z., Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 4926. (2013)
23. A Photostable AIE Luminogen for Specific Mitochondrial Imaging and Tracking
Leung, C. W. T.; Hong, Y.; Chen, S. J.; Zhao, E. G.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z., Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 62. (2012)
24. A Selective Glutathione Probe based on AIE Fluorogen and its Application in Enzymatic Activity Assay
Lou, X. D.; Hong, Y.; Chen, S. J.; Leung, C. W. T.; Zhao, N.; Situ, B.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z., Scientific Reports 2014, 4, 4272. (2014)
25. Aggregation-Induced Emission: The Whole Is More Brilliant than the Parts
Mei, J.; Hong, Y.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Qin, A. J.; Tang, Y. H.; Tang, B. Z., Advanced Materials 2014, 26, 5429-5479. (2014)
26. Highly Fluorescent and Photostable Probe for Long-Term Bacterial Viability Assay Based on Aggregation-Induced Emission
Zhao, E. G.; Hong, Y.; Chen, S. J.; Leung, C. W. T.; Chan, C. Y. K.; Kwok, R. T. K.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z., Advanced Healthcare Materials 2014, 3, 88-96. (2013)
27. Superior Fluorescent Probe for Detection of Cardiolipin
Leung, C. W. T.; Hong, Y.; Hanske, J.; Zhao, E. G.; Chen, S. J.; Pletneva, E. V.; Tang, B. Z., Analytical Chemistry 2014, 86, 1263-1268. (2013)
28. Detection of oligomers and fibrils of α-synuclein by AIEgen with strong fluorescence
Leung, C. W. T.; Guo, F.; Hong, Y.; Zhao, E. G.; Kwok, R. T. K.; Leung, N. L. C.; Chen, S. J.; Narayanan, N.; El-Agnaf, O.; Tang, Y. H.; Gai, W. P.; Tang, B. Z., Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 1866-1869. (2014)
29. Mapping Live Cell Viscosity with an Aggregation-Induced Emission Fluorogen by Means of Two-Photon Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
Chen, S. J.; Hong, Y.;* Zeng, Y.; Sun, Q. Q.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, E. G.; Bai, G. X.; Qu, J. N.; Hao, J. H.; Tang, B. Z., Chemistry A European Journal 2015, 21, 4315-4320. (2015)
30. Aggregation-induced emission—fluorophores and applications
Hong, Y., Methods and Applications in Fluorescence 2016, 4, 022003. (2016)
31. New AIEgens with delayed fluorescence for fluorescence imaging and fluorescence lifetime imaging of living cells
Gan, S.; Zhou, J.; Smith, T. A.; Su, H.; Luo, W.; Hong, Y.; Zhao, Z.; Tang, B. Z., Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2017, 1, 2554-2558. (2017)
32. AIE conjugated polyelectrolytes based on tetraphenylethene for efficient fluorescence imaging and lifetime imaging of living cells
Gao, M.; Hong, Y.; Chen, B.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, W.; Wong, W.; Zhou, J.; Smith, T.A.; Zhao, Z., Polymer Chemistry 2017, 8, 3862-3866. (2017)
33. 9-Vinylanthracene Based Fluorogens: Synthesis, Structure-Property Relationships and Applications
Liu, M.; Onchaiya, S.; Tan, L.; Haghighatbin, M. A.; Luu, T.; Owyong, T. C.; Hushiarian, R.; Hogan, C. F.; Smith, T. A.; Hong, Y., Molecules 2017, 22, 2148. (2017)
34. Measuring macromolecular crowding in cells through fluorescence anisotropy imaging with an AIE fluorogen
Soleimaninejad, H.; Chen, M. Z.; Lou, X. D.; Smith, T. A.; Hong, Y., Chemical Communications 2017, 53, 2874-2877. (2017)
35. Monitoring Early-Stage Protein Aggregation by an Aggregation-Induced Emission Fluorogen
Kumar, M.; Hong, Y.*; Thorn, D. C.; Ecroyd, H.; Carver, J. C., Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89, 9322-9329. (2017)
36. A thiol probe for measuring unfolded protein load and proteostasis in cells
Chen, M. Z.; Moily, N.; Bridgford, J.; Wood, R.; Radwan, M.; Smith, T. A.; Song, Z.; Tang, B. Z.; Tilley, L.; Xu, X.; Reid, G.; Pouladi, M.; Hong, Y.; Hatters, D. M., Nature Communications 2017, 8, 474. (2017)
37. Amyloid aggregation and membrane activity of the antimicrobial peptide uperin 3.5
Martin, L. L.; Kubeil, C.; Piantavigna, S.; Tikkoo, T.; Gray, N. P.; John, T.; Calabrese, A. N.; Liu, Y.; Hong, Y.; Hossai, M. A.; Patil, N.; Abel, B.; Hoffmann, R.; Bowie, J. H.; Carver, J. A., Peptide Science 2018, 110, e24052. (2018)
38. A water-soluble, AIE-active polyelectrolyte for conventional and fluorescence lifetime imaging of mouse neuroblastoma neuro-2A cells
Wang, Y.; Yao, H.; Zhou, J.; Hong, Y.; Chen, B.; Zhang, B.; Smith, T. A.; Wong, W. W. H.; Zhao, Z., Journal of Polymer Science Part A, 2018, 56, 672-680. (2018)
39. Synthesis and X-Ray Crystallographic Characterisation of Frustum-Shaped Ligated [Cu18H16(DPPE)6]2+ and [Cu16H14(DPPA)6]2+ Nanoclusters and Studies on Their H2 Evolution Reactions
Li, J.; Ma, H. Z.; Reid, G.; Alison, J.; Hong, Y.; White, J. M.; Mulder, R. J.; O’Hair, R., Chemistry A European Journal 2018, 24, 2070-2074. (2018)
40. Biochromic silole derivatives: a single dye for differentiation, quantitation and imaging of live/dead cells
Chen, S.; Liu, J.; Zhang, S.; Zhao, E.; Yu, C.; Hushiarian, R.; Hong, Y.; Tang, B. Z., Materials Horizons 2018, 5, 969-978. (2018)
41. Biothiol-specific fluorescent probes with aggregation-induced emission characteristics
Ding, S.; Liu, M.; Hong, Y., Science China Chemistry 2018, 61, 882-891. (2018)
42. Amphiphilic Tetraphenylethene-Based Pyridinium Salt for Selective Cell-Membrane Imaging and Room-Light-Induced Special Reactive Oxygen Species Generation
Zhang, W.; Huang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, E.; Hong, Y.; Chen, S.; Lam, J.; Chen, Y.; Hou, J.; Tang, B. Z., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11, 10567-10577. (2019)
43. The Kinetics of Amyloid Fibrillar Aggregation of Uperin 3.5 Is Directed by the Peptide’s Secondary Structure
John, T.; Dealey, T. J. A.; Gray, N. P.; Patil, N. A.; Hossain, M. A.; Abel, B.; Carver, J. A.; Hong, Y.; Martin, L. L., Biochemistry 2019, 58, 3656-3668. (2019)
44. Respiratory syncytial virus co-opts host mitochondrial function to favour infectious virus production
Hu, M.; Schulze, K. E.; Ghildyal, R.; Henstridge, D. C.; Kolanowski, J. L.; New, E. J.; Hong, Y.; Hsu, A. C.; Hansbro, P. M.; Wark, P. A. B.; Bogoyevitch, M. A.; Jans, D. A., eLife 2019, 8, e42448. (2019)
45. Alpha-synuclein suppresses mitochondrial protease ClpP to trigger mitochondrial oxidative damage and neurotoxicity
Hu, D.; Sun, X.; Liao, X.; Zhang, X.; Zarabi, S.; Schimmer, A.; Hong, Y.; Ford, C.; Luo, Y.; Qi, X., Acta Neuropathologica 2019, 137, 939-960. (2019)
46. A chair-type G-quadruplex structure formed by a human telomeric variant DNA in K+ solution
Liu, C.; Zhou, B.; Geng, Y.; Tam, D. Y.; Feng, R.; Miao, H.; Xu, N.; Shi, X.; You, Y.; Hong, Y.; Tang, B. Z.; Lo, P. K.; Kuryavyi, V.; Zhu, G., Chemical Science 2019, 10, 218-226. (2018)
47. Copper ions trigger disassembly of neurokinin B functional amyloid and inhibit de novo assembly
Jayawardena, B. M.; Jones, M. R.; Hong, Y.; Jones, C. E., Journal of Structural Biology 2019, 208, 107394. (2019)
48. Aptamer-Based Biosensing with a Cationic AIEgen
Luu, T.; Liu, M.; Chen, Y.; Hushiarian, R.; Cass, A.; Tang, B. Z.; Hong, Y., Australian Journal of Chemistry 2019, 72, 620-626. (2019)
49. A Maleimide-functionalized Tetraphenylethene for Measuring and Imaging Unfolded Proteins in Cells
Zhang, S.; Liu, M.; Tan, L. Y. F.; Hong, Q.; Pow, Z. L.; Owyong, T. C.; Ding, S.; Wong, W. W. H.; Hong, Y., Chemistry An Asian Journal 2019, 14, 904-909. (2019)
50. Hexaphenyl-1,3-butadiene derivative: a novel “turn-on” rapid fluorescent probe for intraoperative pathological diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
Chen, D.; Mao, H.; Hong, Y.; Tang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Li, M.; Dong, Y., Materials Chemistry Frontier 2020, 4, 2716-2722. (2020)
51. Detection of biomarkers in body fluids using bioprobes based on aggregation-induced emission fluorogens
Zhang, X.; Yao, B.; Hu, Q.; Hong, Y.; Wallace, A.; Reynolds, K.; Ramsey, C.; Maeder, A.; Reed, R.; Tang, Y., Materials Chemistry Frontier 2020, 4, 2548-2570. (2020)
52. An α-Cyanostilbene Derivative for the Enhanced Detection and Imaging of Amyloid Fibril Aggregates
Marzano, N. R.; Wray, K. M.; Johnston, C. L.; Paudel, B. P.; Hong, Y.; van Oijen, A.; Ecroyd, H., ACS Chemical Neuroscience 2020, 11, 4191-4202. (2020)
53. The Redox Activity of Protein Disulfide Isomerase Inhibits ALS Phenotypes in Cellular and Zebrafish Models
Parakh, S.; Shadfar, S.; Perri, E. R.; Ragagnin, A. M. G.; Piattoni, C. V.; Fogolín, M. B.; Yuan, K. C.; Shahhyedari, H.; Don, E. K.; Thomas, C. J.; Hong, Y.; Comini, M. A.; Laird, A. S.; Spencer, D. M.; Atkin, J. D., iScience 2020, 101097. (2020)
54. Modest Declines in Proteome Quality Impair Hematopoietic Stem Cell Self-Renewal
Hidalgo San Jose, L.; Sunshine, M. J.; Dillingham, C. H.; Chua, B. A.; Kruta, M.; Hong, Y., Cell Reports 2020, 30, 69-80. (2019)
55. A Spectroscopic Marker for Structural Transitions Associated with Amyloid-β Aggregation
Das A.; Gupta, A.; Hong, Y.; Carver, J.; Maiti, S., Biochemistry, 2020, 59, 1813-1822. (2020)
57. Barbituric acid based fluorogens: synthesis, aggregation-induced emission, and protein fibril detection
Ding, S.; Yao, B.; Schobben, L.; Hong, Y., Molecules 2020, 25, 32. (2019)
58. Diaminomaleonitrile-functionalised schiff bases: synthesis, solvatochromism, and lysosome-specific imaging
Ding, S.; Yao, B.; Chen, M.; Liu, C.; Owyong, T. C.; Johnston, A.; Hong, Y., Journal of Chemistry 2020, 73, 942-947. (2019)
59. Aggregation-Induced Emission Photosensitizers: From Molecular Design to Photodynamic Therapy
Dai, J.; Wu, X.; Lou, X.; Xia, F.; Wang, S.; Hong, Y., Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry 2020, 63, 1996-2012. (2020)
60. Optimising molecular rotors to AIE fluorophores for mitochondria uptake and retention
Owyong, T. C.; Ding, S.; Wu, N.; Fellowes, T.; Chen, S.; White, J. M.; Wong, W. W. H.; Hong, Y., Chemical Communications 2020, 56, 14853-14856. (2020)
61. The fluorescence toolbox for visualizing autophagy
Ding, S.; Hong, Y., Chemical Society Reviews 2020, 49, 8354-8389. (2020)
62. A Molecular Chameleon for Mapping Subcellular Polarity in an Unfolded Proteome Environment
Owyong, T. C.; Subedi, P.; Deng, J.; Hinde, E.; Paxman, J. J.; White, J. M.; Chen, W.; Heras, B.; Wong, W. W. H.; Hong, Y., Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 132, 10215-10221. (2019)
63. In Situ Monitored Vortex Fluidic-Mediated Protein Refolding/Unfolding Using an Aggregation-Induced Emission Bioprobe
Hu, Q.; Hu, H.; Zhang, X.; Fan, K.; Hong, Y.; Raston, C. L.; Tang, Y., Molecules, 2021, 26, 4273. (2021)
64. Notch-induced endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation governs mouse thymocyte β−selection
Liu, X.; Yu, J.; Xu, L.; Umphred-Wilson, K.; Peng, F.; Ding, Y.; Barton, B. M.; Lv, X.; Zhao, M. Y.; Sun, S.; Hong, Y.; Qi, L.; Adoro, S.; Chen, X., eLife, 2021, 10, e69975. (2021)
65. Fluorescence Imaging and Photodynamic Inactivation of Bacteria Based on Cationic Cyclometalated Iridium(III) Complexes with Aggregation-Induced Emission Properties
Ho, P. Y.; Lee, S. Y.; Kam, C.; Zhu, J.; Shan, G. G.; Hong, Y.; Wong, W. Y.; Chen, S., Advanced Healthcare Materials 2021, 10, 2100706. (2021)
66. Recent Applications of Aggregation Induced Emission Probes for Antimicrobial Peptide Studies
Luu, T.; Li, W.;* O’Brien-Simpson, N. M; Hong, Y., Chemistry An Asian Journal 2021, 16, 1027-2040. (2021)
67. Detection of urinary albumin using a “turn-on” fluorescent probe with aggregation-induced emission characteristics.
Hu, Q.; Yao, B.; Owyong, T. C.; Prashanth, S.; Wang, C.; Zhang, X.; Wong, W. W. H.; Tang, Y.;* Hong, Y., Chemistry An Asian Journal 2021, 16, 1245-1252. (2021)
68. Red blood cell membrane-camouflaged nanoparticles loaded with AIEgen and Poly(I : C) for enhanced tumoral photodynamic-immunotherapy
Dai, J.; Wu, M.; Wang, Q.; Ding, S.; Dong, X.; Xue, L.; Zhu, Q.; Zhou, J.; Xia, F.;* Wang, S.;* Hong, Y., National Science Review 2021, 8, nwab039. (2021)
69. Detection of kidney disease biomarkers based on fluorescence technology
Yao, B.; Giel, M.-C.; Hong, Y., Materials Chemistry Frontier 2021, 5, 2124-2142. (2021)
70. Recent advances in bioanalytical methods to measure proteome stability in cells.
Zhang, S.; Greening, D. W.; Hong, Y., Analyst 2021, 146, 2097-2109. (2021)
71. Construction of a Highly Sensitive Thiol-Reactive AIEgen-Peptide Conjugate for Monitoring Protein Unfolding and Aggregation in Cells
Sabouri, S.; Liu, M.; Zhang, S.; Yao, B.; Soleimaninejad, H.; Baxter, A. A.; Armendariz-Vidales, G.; Subedi, P.; Duan, C.; Lou, X.; Hogan, C. F.; Heras, B.; Poon, I. K. H.; Hong, Y., Advanced Healthcare Materials 2021, 10, 2101300. (2021)
72. Synthesis and evaluation of benzochalcogenazole-benzimidazole derivatives as potential DNA-binding radioprotectors
Fellowes, T.; Skene, C. E.; Martin, R. F.; Lobacheysky, P.; Owyong, T. C.; Hong, Y. N.; White, J. M., ARKIVOC 2022, 80-98. (2022)

Synthesis and evaluation of benzochalcogenazole-benzimidazole derivatives as
potential DNA-binding radioprotectors

73. Polymerization-amplified photoacoustic signal by enhancing near-infrared light-harvesting capacity and thermal-to-acoustic conversion
Gao, H.-Q.; Zhang, J.-T.; Qi, X.-W.; Jiao, D.; Hong, Y.; Shan, K.; Kong, X.-L.; Ding, D., Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 2022, 40, 1090-1100. (2022)
74. Brush-like Polymer Prodrug with Aggregation-Induced Emission Features for Precise Intracellular Drug Tracking
Naghibi, S.; Sabouri, S.; Hong, Y.; Jia, Z.; Tang, Y., Biosensors 2022, 12, 373. (2022)
75. Novel Formulation of Undecylenic Acid induces Tumor Cell Apoptosis
Day, Z. I.; Mayfosh, A. J.; Giel, M. C.; Hong, Y.; Williams, S. A.; Santavanond, J. P.; Rau, T. F.; Poon, I. K.; Hulett, M. D., International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2022, 23, 14170. (2022)
76. A supramolecular self-assembled nanomaterial for synergistic therapy of immunosuppressive tumor
Wang, T. J.; Gao, Z. Y.; Zhang, Y. F.; Hong, Y.; Tang, Y. H.; Shan, K.; Kong, X. L.; Wang, Z. M.; Shi, Y.; Ding, D., Journal Of Controlled Release 2022, 351, 272-283. (2022)
77. Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles with Surface-Mimicking Protein Secondary Structure as Lysosome-Targeting Chimaeras for Self-Synergistic Cancer Immunotherapy
Qi, J.; Jia, S. R.; Kang, X. Y.; Wu, X. Y.; Hong, Y.; Shan, K.; Kong, X. L.; Wang, Z. M.; Ding, D., Advanced Materials 2022, 34, 202203309. (2022)
78. An Activatable Near-Infrared Afterglow Theranostic Prodrug with Self-Sustainable Magnification Effect of Immunogenic Cell Death
Gao, Z. Jia, S.; Ou, H.; Hong, Y.; Shan, K.; Kong, X.; Wang, Z.; Feng, G.; Ding, D., Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61, e202209793. (2022)
79. Fluorescent Reporters for Antimicrobial Peptides
Hong, Y.; Li, W., Australian Journal of Chemistry 2022, 75, 2-8. (2021)
81. Synthesis of a β-Arylethenesulfonyl Fluoride-Functionalized AIEgen for Activity-Based Urinary Trypsin Detection
Giel, M.-C.; Zhang, S.; Hu, Q.; Ding, D.; Tang, Y.; Hong, Y., ACS Applided Bio Materials 2022, 5, 4321-4326 (2022)
82. Emerging fluorescence tools for the study of proteostasis in cells.
Owyong, T. C.; Hong, Y., Current Opinion In Chemical Biology 2022, 67, 102116. (2022)
83. Development and application of Diels-Alder adducts displaying AIE properties
Gialelis, T. L.; Owyong, T. C.; Ding, S.; Li, W.; Yu, M.; O’Brien-Simpson, N. M; Zhao, Z.; White, J. M.; B. Yao; Hong, Y., Cell Reports Physical Science 2022, 3, 100766. (2022)
84. RNA binding protein SYNCRIP maintains proteostasis and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
Chavez, F. H.; Luo, H.; Cifani, P.; Pine, A.; Chu, K.; Joshi, S. Barin, E.; Schurer, A.; Chan, M.; Chang, K.; Han, G.; Pierson, A.; Xiao, M.; Yang, X.; Kuehm, L.; Hong, Y.; Nguyen, D.; Chiosis, G.; Kentsis, A.; Leslie, C.; Vu, L. Kharas, M. , Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 2290 (2023) (2023)
85. Platelet membrane camouflaged AIEgen-mediated photodynamic therapy improves the effectiveness of anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy in large-burden tumors
Dai, J.; Wu, M.; Xu, Y.; Yao, H.; Lou, X.; Hong, Y.; Zhou, J.; Xia, F.; Wang, S., Bioengineering & Translational Medicine 2023, 8 (2), e10417. (2022)
86. CALR-mutated cells are vulnerable to combined inhibition of the proteasome and the endoplasmic reticulum stress response
Jutzi, J. S.; Marneth, A. E.; Jiménez-Santos, M. J.; Hem, J.; Guerra-Moreno, A.; Rolles, B.; Bhatt, S.; Myers, S. A.; Carr, S. A.; Hong, Y.; Pozdnyakova, O.; van Galen, P.; Al-Shahrour, F.; Nam. A. S.; Mullally, A., Leukemia 2023, 37 (2), 359-369. (2023)
87. The effect of tailing lipidation on the bioactivity of antimicrobial peptides and their aggregation tendency
Lin, B.; Hung, A.; Singleton, W.; Darmawan, K. K.; Moses, R.; Yao, B.; Wu, H.; Barlow, A.; Sani, M. A.; Sloan, A. J.; Hossain, M. A.; Wade, J. D.; Hong, Y.; O’Brien-Simpson, N. M; Li, W., Aggregate 2023, e329. (2023)
88. A General Fluorescence-Based Method for Quantifying and Mapping Biomolecular Polarity In Vitro and In Cells
Owyong, T. C.; O'Shea, R.; Lee, M.; White, J. M.; Donnelly, P. S.; Hinde, E.; Wong, W. W.; Hong, Y., bioRxiv 2023, 2023.2002. 2007.526546. (2023)
89. Click chemistry in the design of AIEgens for biosensing and bioimaging
Giel, M. C.; Hong, Y., Aggregate 2023, e336. (2023)
90. *Small molecule fluorescent probes for the study of protein phase separation.
Owyong, T. C.; Zhao, J.; Hong, Y., Current Opinion In Chemical Biology 2023 (2023)
91. A novel red-emitting aggregation-induced emission probe for determination of β-glucosidase activity
Yao, B.; Zhao, J.; Ding, S.; Giel, M.-C.; Zhang, G.; Ding, D.; Tang, Y.; Weng, Z. H.; Hong, Y., Biomaterials 295, 122046 (2023)
93. Aggregation- and crystallization-induced light emission
Hong, Y.; Dong, Y. Q.; Tong, H.; Li, Z.; Haussler, M.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z., Proceedings Volume 6470, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices IX; 64700T (2007) (2007)
94. Applications of Aggregation-Induced Emission Materials in Biotechnology
Hong, Y.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Tang, B. Z., Aggregation-Induced Emission: Applications Wiley: New York, 2013, Chapter 12, 259-274. (2013)
95. Specific Imaging and Tracking of Mitochondria in Live Cells by a Photostable AIE Luminogen
Leung, C. W. T.; Hong, Y., Advanced Protocols in Oxidative Stress III - Methods in Molecular Biology Humana Press (Clifton, N.J.), 2015, Volume 1208, 21-27. (2014)
96. AIE Luminogens for Visualizing Cell Structures and Functions
Lim, S.; Tang, B. Z.; Hong, Y., Aggregation-Induced Emission: Materials and Applications Volume 2 ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1227, 2016, Chapter 8, 199-216. (2016)
97. Utilisation of Tetraphenylethene-Derived Probes with Aggregation-Induced Emission Properties in Fluorescence Detection of Biothiols
Liu, M.; Hong, Y., Principles and Applications of Aggregation-Induced Emission. Springer, 2019, Chapter 16. (2018)
98. AIE: New Strategies for Cell Imaging and Biosensing
Luu, T.; Yao, B.; Hong, Y., Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission. Wiley 2021, Chapter 7, in press. (2022)
99. The application of click chemistry in the design of aggregation-induced emission luminogens for activity-based sensing
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